

Prerequisite you need to install python3 and install freetype-py using pip The approximate process is like this:

sudo apt install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install freetype-py

The previous is the prerequisite for implementation, and then you need to store the font file you want to convert in the same path as fontconvert.py. This is just for more convenient operation. You can also fill in the font path.

Then just follow the command below to convert the font.

python3 fontconvert.py --compress demo 16 msyh.ttc > font.h

Explanation of specific parameters:

python3 fontconvert.py --compress [generated font name] [font size] [font file path] > [generated font file]

Of course, this only demonstrates the generation of standard ascii codes. If you need other fonts, you only need to fill in the unicode encoding of the font to be generated in the fontconvert.py intervals list.

Please make sure that the unicode encoding in the fontconvert.py intervals list is included in your font file, otherwise please comment other encodings and only keep the 32,126 range!



  1. Prerequisites

python3 -m pip install pillow
  1. Instructions

imgconvert.py [-h] [-i INPUTFILE] [-n NAME] [-o OUTPUTFILE]
  1. examples:

python imgconvert.py -i demo.png  -n demo -o demo.h