Get Started
This document is intended to guide users to build a software environment for T5-4.7 and T5-4.7 Plus hardware development.
Install prerequisites
Please complete the installation of the tool first. The specific steps are as follows:
Install dependent libraries
Download a zipfile from github using the “Download ZIP” button and install it using the IDE (Sketch`
-> Include Library
-> Add .ZIP Library...
Compile On Arduino
T5-4.7 Schematic (pdf)
T5-4.7 Plus Schematic (pdf)
ESP32 (Datasheet)
ESP32-WROVER-E (Datasheet)
ESP32-S3 (Datasheet)
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 (Datasheet)
ED047TC1 (Datasheet)
PCF8563 (Datasheet)